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Josh and Justine went up the hill...

After our last epic road trip, to South Dakota, we wanted to keep things local. Well, localish. We drove 3 hours to drive up the "Worlds Highest Hill" in Poteau OK.

This attraction, known as Cavanal Hill (or Cave Anal, as it became known to us, because maturity!), is something we have heard about for a while, and we thought, "geez, I wonder if this Hill Has Eyes? "

We drove through a downpour to get there, which really set the atmosphere for good horror movie conversation. We recorded episode 18: The Hills Have Eyes and enjoyed the rest of our short trek.

The drive up the hill was actually quite creepy. The road was a mess, it was secluded and there were signs everywhere stating "You are Being Watched". The hill did have eyes!

The views at the top were actually quite pretty. It's rare in Oklahoma to get a sweeping panoramic view of anything. However, the view was the only thing this hill had to offer. The hiking trails were overgrown, so we escaped without a workout. Score!

After our non-workout on Cave Anal Hill, we were famished and needed local Mexican food stat!

After noshing on local cuisine, we passed by a Drive-Thru beef jerky stand. And when you drive by a Drive-Thru beef jerky stand, you stop. We ordered jerky and cinnamon sugar pecans, which made the drive worth it!

Enjoy the episode!

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