Swept Away With John Waters

This blog post comes several weeks late. Sorry! June's been a hectic month, good and bad. But here we are!
Last month, we had the pleasure to go see John Waters perform in Ada, Oklahoma. Ada is a small, farming/college town in rural Oklahoma. We found it a bit odd that this is where Mr. Waters would be , but it also added to the excitement! would the locals warm up to his brand of humor? Would he be run out of town with pitchforks and torches? Only one way to find out. :)
Our drive started casually enough. We recorded the first half of our podcast before shit hit the fan. And by shit I mean, storms, lightening, hail, and tornadoes! Oh My!
We gave ourselves several hours to get to Ada (it's only 1.5 hours from where we live) and we needed all that time. We first drove through a flooded town, where we had to weave in and out of streets and alleys to find higher and drier land. After that debacle we got caught in a bad hail storm and had to pull over so we didn't crash. When the hail was over we got back on the road, but the wind gusts and a downpour of rain left visibility at nearly 0. !
Somehow we were able to connect to Facebook on our phones, and we noticed a lot of people were begging the venue to start late. We arrived twenty minutes late (finally!) and got there just in time. The venue listened!
The show was incredible! and no, John didn't get chased out of town. He actually seemed to dig the audience and the fact that he might die in a tornado. At one point, with the storm raging outside, the power went out. However, John kept on performing,in the dark, to the glow of cellphone lights. It was actually a really special moment. Very intimate and kind of thrilling due to the antics of the weather.

He got a rousing standing ovation and he performed an encore and did a Q and A with the audience. The Q and A was actually quite informative.
After the show we had to stick around the performance center for a half hour to let the storm calm down. It never did and we had another white knuckle drive home. We made it safe and sound!
Go see John Waters if you ever get the chance! and check out Episode 16: Serial Mom!!